Noels check list
In episode 4, a grocery list is shown as Noel cross it off when they restock on supplies:
Un pansement/une boîte: Bandage/one box
Savon/une boîte: Soap/one box
Un drap/une boîte: Sheets(probably for bed or windows)/one box
Corde Serviette/ 10 metres: Rope to hang clothing to dry/10 meters
Rouleau de papier-toilette/4 douzaines: Toilet paper/4 dozens (48 rolls)
Une serviette/une boîte: Napkins/one box
Une plaque/une boîte: plates (to replace the one broken at the end of episode 2) /one box
Un anti-febrile/une boîte: Anti-fever, (fever medicine that was needed in episode 3 to cure Kanata)/one box