So Ra No Wo To Wiki
Kanata Sorami
Kanata and her trumpet in episode 3
Japanese name 空深 彼方
First appearance Episode 1
Voiced by Kanemoto Hisako
Gender Female
Age 15[1]
Height 157 cm
Rank Private (二等兵)
Nationality Helvetian

"Someone was saying the world is ending. But I like this world."
— Kanata


Sorami Kanata is one of the main characters of Sora no Woto. She grew up in a rural village, presumably close to the Binnenland front. In her childhood she coincidentally encountered Princess Iliya who played the trumpet for her, which later inspired her to join the military to learn the trumpet herself. There she was assigned the 1121st Platoon stationed in Seize to train as a communication officer.

Kanata has absolute pitch, enabling her to perfectly identify musical notes. Despite that, she initially struggles greatly to improve her trumpet play.


Kanata is a 15 year old girl with short, brown hair with a blue barrette and brown eyes. She is 157cm tall (=5'1). When not wearing military uniforms, she's often seen in light dresses.


Due to her mostly peaceful childhood, Kanata is the least troubled of the five platoon members. Upon her arival in Seize she immediately gets involved with the local festival and ends up being lost and needing aid. This light-hearted, naive and curious attitude characterizes her throughout the show. She wants to befriend everyone and loves the world.

While she often does dangerous things, that is probably due to her naivety and generally optimistic way of thinking. Furthermore Kanata takes her superiors very seriously, which goes in tune with her admiration for Rio.

Despite her cheerful personality, Kanata has very low levels of self-confidence, continuously proclaiming herself as a "good-for-nothing".


The surname Sorami is written with the Kanji for "Sky" (Sora - 空) and "deep" (mi - 深). Meanwhile Kanata is written with the Kanji for "that" (Ka - 彼) and "side" (nata - 方), together meaning "beyond" or "the other side".


  • Might have been sent in to replace a possible past 5th member.
  • Might have been lead by the owl (see Shuko )
  • Since Kanata said that her two grandparents lived in Waren, that could have meant that she didn't live there before.
  • In episode 6, she also mentions one of her neighbours, addressing her "Grandma"; this might mean that neither her grandparents nor her great-grandmother lived in the same house as her.

