The war-torn world of Sora no Woto has seen many conflicts in the past that have come to destroy most of the habitable space on earth and - by now - left unavoidable scars in both landscape and society.
Throughout the show the many now uninhabitable spaces are referred to, most prominently the No Man's Land. Other locations that have been affected by past/present wars include the ocean, which is said to no longer host any life, the Demolished House or the bridge leading to the Time Telling Fortress (origins of the damage only speculated).
Other remnants[]
Further signs of wars include:
- The dead soldier Filicia encountered in Ep 7
- The orphans of Seize whose parents often died in combat
- The "Black Boxes", old technology that served as a warning system (among other references to highly-advanced past technology)
- The destroyed, run-down school in the Time Telling Fortress
- References to the shrinking population (see screenshots below)